04 October 2023


In a sectional title scheme, the rules and regulations are put in place to ensure the smooth functioning and fair treatment of all residents. These rules are typically governed by the Sectional Titles Act and the scheme's management and conduct rules.

Allowing a resident to park in a visitors parking spot, even if there is no shortage of parking in the driveway, could still be considered a breach of the rules. Visitors parking areas are generally reserved for guests or visitors, and using them for long-term parking by residents may go against the intended purpose of those parking spaces.

Breaching the rules, even if it may seem minor, can have implications for the overall harmony and functioning of the sectional title scheme. It can create issues of fairness and may lead to conflict among residents.

It is important for trustees and residents to adhere to the rules and regulations set by the scheme. If there is an issue with parking availability, it would be more appropriate to discuss it with the body corporate or trustees to find a suitable solution that complies with the rules and meets the needs of all residents.


  1. The residents of Rietvlei are very fortunate to have visitors parking bays My son resides in a flat in Oranjezicht which has no visitors parking and he has rented an additional parking bay from a resident for R 600,00 per month
    Are we not privileged to have visitors parking bays?

    1. We are nothing short of blessed. Thank you for taking the time to comment.


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