12 December 2011

Our Beautiful Park

As the title implies, we live in a beautiful and unique sectional title complex.  I say unique because it boasts wide open spaces which have become quite rare nowadays.  In this post I want to appeal to all residents and non-resident owners to contribute to the beauty of our park, by ensuring that the exclusive use areas are; at the very least, kept clean a neat. The Sectional Title act requires the following:

PART IX ‐ Owners, Administrators and Buildings, Sections 44‐51
   44 Duties of owners
       (1) An owner shall‐

        (c) repair and maintain his section in a state of good repair and, in respect of an exclusive use area,           keep it in a clean and neat condition;

I know some owners have received letters with regard to EUA's and sometimes it may seem that the letter has an abrasive tone.  For first time recipients of this type of letter, please understand that our intention is merely to bring your attention to the issue.  Keep in mind though, there are repeat offenders, so the letter is a standard template designed for administrative efficiency. It is also worth noting that the word "Shall" in the eyes of the law means non-negotiable. Under the act the trustees are charged with the responsibility of enforcing the rules. (see excerpts from the act below):

PART VIII ‐ Rules and Bodies Corporate, Sections 35‐43

35 Rules
38 Powers of bodies corporate
The body corporate may exercise the powers conferred upon it by or under this Act or the rules, and such powers shall include the power‐

(j) to do all things reasonably necessary for the enforcement of the rules and for the control, management and administration of the common property.

...and also:
The Functions, Powers and Duties of Trustees, 25‐49
28. Statutory and General Duties
(3) The trustees shall do all things rereasonably necessary for the enforcement of the rules in force.

Given the fact that urban decay is very evident in sectional title blocks along the Blaauwberg Road, the trustees of Rietvlei Park have to take their responsibilities seriously. If it weren't for the efforts of the trustees, our wide open spaces could easily become an eyesore for all the residents of Table View.

Non-resident owners with tenants in their units must understand that we are protecting their investments. They can assist us in keeping the property well maintained, by ensuring that their tenants comply with the neatness duties.  The picture below is of a unit which is occupied by tenants. Fortunately it is not seen from the roads around the perimeter of the property. However, the residents surrounding this unit; including myself, do look on to it.

Click to enlarge
To all members of our sectional title scheme, we thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your continued support in the coming year.

06 December 2011

Photo Gallery

Hi all, While enjoying the beautiful vista's that our complex has to offer, I had the idea of developing a photo gallery (of sorts).  So, I walked around with my camera on a misty morning and captured a few pictures from various vantage points. The next step was to head for my computer and create a photo blog. I then uploaded the pictures and that, as they say was, that.

Click here to view the start up selection. Hopefully there are photographers in the complex who would also like to add pictures. If so, pop me an email to rietvleiparkbc@googlemail.com and we will add new pictures.

Living In Rietvlei Park

Why living in a sectional title scheme is a great choice If you are one of the owners of our scheme, you have made a smart decision to inves...