29 April 2011

Maintenance in Sectional Title schemes

Pam Golding have been fielding letters, on what appears to be a change in EUA (Exclusive Use Area) maintenance.  Over the years there was always a debate on who was responsible for what, when it comes to exclusive use areas. So what is an exclusive use area?  Well, it comprises of your garden area including the gate between the drive way and the car port, It also comprises the small garden area outside your from door. In other words any part or item that is exclusively used by you the resident of a unit.

For some time now the trustees have been asking this same question with regard to the responsibility of EUA's, simply because it is the trustees responsibility to protect the funds collected through our levies, and ensure that; "what's good for one, is good for all". Pam Golding, through our portfolio manager, responded to the questions and sought advice from sectional title attorney's. The original response from Tertius Maree attorney's can be read by clicking on the appropriate link below.  I have also attached the letter distributed by Pam Golding for you to refer to should you so desire.

To further clarify the the issue around EUA's, I have attached a link to the latest *Paddocks Press article on the subject. I like this article because it speaks in terms that we can all understand.  I trust the attached documents will help clear up any misunderstandings owners may have.

Pam Golding Letter on EUA Maintenance
Tertius Maree Memorandum
Paddocks Press On Maintenance

*Paddocks Press is a monthly newsletter distributed by Proff. Graham Paddock who is himself, a sectional title attorney. His web site is: http://www.paddocks.co.za/  Over the years I have found his site to be very helpful.

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