29 June 2011


I guess a definition of "Security" would be: "The state of being free from danger or injury". When we talk of security measures in the context of our homes, we are taking about the installation of devices which will give us freedom from anxiety or fear.  What we want, or need is a ‘feeling’ of security. Right? Well a watch dog can give you that 'feeling' of security - Burglar bars can also give us a 'feeling' of security. So, we get a dog and install burglar bars and we 'feel' secure. Yet burglars still manage to breach our security measures, causing us to feel anxious; anxious enough to look for new measures, that will give us a renewed 'feeling' of security. 

In order to improve security in our homes, we all need to face up to the fact that crime in our suburb, including our complex is a reality. Before we installed the perimeter fence, there we were more vulnerable to break-ins, we put this down to the fact that anyone could walk in off the street, and test your sliding door. If it was not locked, goods were stolen.  Since the fence with gates was installed, the number of break-ins reduced to almost none; for a while anyway. Of course, human nature dictates that we improve in our endeavours’ especially when faced with new challenges – Criminals by implication of this, also improve there methods and push their own personal boundaries; in this case “fear of getting caught,” to overcome our efforts to prevent them from stealing our stuff.

We had a case where a cat burglar jumped the perimeter fence, then climbed into an open bedroom window of one of the units, and stole cell phones etc., while the residents of the unit were asleep in the very room with the open window.

Historically, break-ins that have occurred since the perimeter fence was installed, have happened in spats, usually between five to ten break-ins occur before the thief moves on or is apprehended.  In 95% of these break-ins, the thief gains access through the kitchen window. Do not think for one second that the ready made burglar bar you bought at your favourite super market is going to keep the thief out.  This type of device doesn’t present a problem for him, at all.  You need something far more substantial than that. Many owners, myself included, have had the Spanish type burglar bars installed.  They are most effective at keeping the opportunist thief out of your home. This is because the opportunist thief travels light; he carries few tools, if any with him. For this reason it is very important that you don’t leave any garden tools lying around.

In conclusion, we all need to take responsibility for our own security. The perimeter fence has stopped the window shoppers from drifting through our property, but, history has proven that it doesn’t stop the opportunist burglar. This is where you need to take the appropriate action to ensure that your home is secure. 

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